April Fools!
No, that’s not until tomorrow. But are you and the kids planning a few harmless pranks for your loved ones?
If so, turn it into a learning activity for your homeschool, and keep on reading for resources to get you started.
This involves reading, research, and creative thinking — always beneficial to writing skills!
The Pioneer Woman blog has a great article titled 20 Interesting Things About April Fools Day. It’s easy to read and is full of history about the day’s origins as well as links to the best pranks in modern history.
Then, check out the Museum of Hoaxes site to learn about the hilarious Top 100 Aprils Fools Day Hoaxes of All Time, including the Swiss Spaghetti Harvest of 1957 and the London UFO Landing of 1989 done by none other than Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin companies!
Now move on to Pinterest to get prank ideas that you can do at home, like the one pictured above, courtesy of boredpanda.com. All it takes is scissors and black construction paper.
Your kids can work on their own or in teams, with a few simple rules: no big mess, no embarrassing anyone, no destruction of property, and the bathroom is off limits.
If that’s not structured enough, limit the pranks to a certain type, like food pranks.
At least you’ll know it’ll only happen in one room!