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Homeschool Student Showcase: The Persuasive Essay

By Lily Iatridis  February 2, 2015

Friendship persuasive essay showcaseToday we're showcasing a persuasive writing piece by our student Lucy F., age 14, a homeschooled high schooler from South Dakota. For the persuasive essay module, one of four in our Essay Rock Star program, students are invited to choose their own prompt. Lucy chose a famous C.S. Lewis quote for her powerful persuasive essay. The persuasive essay module is also available on its own in the Essay Rock Star Persuasive Essay Short Course for $127. 

by Lucy F.

As C.S. Lewis said, “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that gives value to survival.” In this quote, it gives the opinion that friendship is not necessary to live. I agree because, friendship is not something that physically sustains us. It is not like food, for example, in that friendship is not something our bodies must have to survive. C.S. Lewis goes on to imply that though not necessary, it is important to survival. I also believe friendship is something that increases the quality and significance of our lives and is therefore something to be treasured.

A friend is a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. A friend is a companion, a special person you love because of their personality or devotion. You will have different kinds of friends and your friendship with each of them will be unique. Some of your friends will be extroverts and will want to hang out a lot. Some will be introverts and will be quieter and have less need for emotional connection. My brother for example, is an introvert and can go for days without people outside the family around. Some people are the opposite, like my sister who can’t be alone for more than 5 minutes. Introverts and extroverts prove that we can live without friendship, but it definitely gives more value to living.

As human beings, we tend to look to our peers to find much of our value. When insulted, verbally bullied, or otherwise discouraged, we often take those words to heart and become depressed or discouraged. This demonstrates that we take to heart what people say and therefore, our value in friends is great. For example, I enjoy having people like me and when my someone compliments me I feel good and want to encourage my friend or peer to say more. On the other hand, putting so much worth in friendships can have negative consequences. Many of us can start to believe false things about ourselves based on what others say or what we think they say about us.

One major example of human desire for companionship is marriage. C.S. Lewis says friendship gives value to survival. Marriage demonstrates the ultimate companionship and desire for a close friend. When two people are joined in the bonds of marriage, they show a commitment to each other and a desire to be bonded beyond mere friendship. When my friend was married she made a binding commitment to her husband. If he were to die she would be devastated but she would not physically die also. They value each other as lifelong friends and companions and their relationship makes their lives more worthwhile.

Personally, there are many times when I desperately need a friend or someone I can trust to talk to. At other times all I want is to be alone with my thoughts and my need for friendship is less but not gone. C. S. Lewis is pointing out a human desire for love and acceptance as well as the value of having friends even if it is not necessary to survival. We ought to value friendship because it gives purpose, significance, and meaning to our lives. Friendship increases the quality of our lives by giving it substance. By cherishing our friendships as an important part of our survival we can increase the quality of our lives.



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