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Essay Rock Star Student Showcase: The Personal Narrative

By Lily Iatridis  April 1, 2015

BLOG- Lively Girl

Today's Essay Rock Star Student Showcase features a personal narrative (writing about oneself) by Kaylee, one of our middle school level homeschooled students. Personal narrative writing helps students get comfortable writing about themselves, something they'll have to do for college application essays later.

This essay is a standout for us because Kaylee's writing voice and style demonstrate her vibrant personality as much as her content does. Thanks Kaylee!

Kaylee wrote this essay during the Essay Rock Star Personal Statement Short Course.




My name is Kaylee, and I’m 13 years old. I have hazel eyes, dirty blond hair, and tons of freckles on my face. My favorite things are chocolate, fluffy pj pants, and Disney movies. If you talked to any one who knows me they would probably tell you I am crazy and extremely loud, but you would find that out the minute you met me. I’m basically an open book, but if you get to know me you’ll realize I have a crazier personality an a lot more hobbies then you might think.

There are three things that I need most in life: my family, soccer, and school. My family is resourceful, funny, competitive, and wild. I know that every time I fall they’re always right behind me to pick me up and cheer me on. The second most important thing in my life is soccer. Soccer has always been a part of my life. I enjoy every second and every part of the game. I love the fast pace, competitiveness, and the burst of adrenaline you get when you step on to the field. The last but certainly not the least is school. School for me is a place where I can build my future. If I do well in school now I can go on and do extraordinary things with my life.

I have a lot of hobbies so I’ll try to sum them all up. I love playing games. Whether it’s a board game or card game with my sister, a sport with my cousins, or even a video game with my brother as long as I’m having fun, I’m in. I also love creating things like food, art, and music. In the end whatever I’m creating should screams Kaylee did this! My favorite thing to do in my free time is to read. I enjoy reading books that have magic, myths, and anything with the unexplainable in it.

My personality is determined, silly, and athletic. I’m am very determined, so if I have my mind set on something you might want to watch out, and if you are in the way of that something you might want to move. I’m insanely silly and or wild. Some may call it weird, while others, as in my family, call it normal especially when it comes to me. If you haven’t caught on yet, I'm very active and always on the move.

So that’s me, but of course that’s just scraping the surface. In the end I am supported by my family. I have the dream of becoming a pro soccer player, school to get me to that dream, and all my hobbies to fill in the time. I’m also very determined to stay silly and always be on the move. Who knows where life will take me? I am only 13 after all.


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