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Writing Rock Star Student Showcase: the Persuasive Essay

By Lily Iatridis  May 4, 2015

Student Showcase Persuasive iPhoneThis persuasive essay was written by Jonah T., a homeschooler in his early teens. What's most impressive about his essay is the level of organization, detail, and critical thinking for a student in his early teens. Here, Jonah uses a compare and contrast approach to make a case in favor of the iPhone 6. In our Essay Rock Star persuasive essay module, students are allowed to choose their own topics while following a fairly strict essay structure.


IOS iPhone or Android Droid Turbo?

In the world of technology, there are 6.8 billion phone subscriptions being used. Although the Android operating system is available on a larger variety of smartphones, Apple’s IOS system is exclusive, only available on Apple products. In evaluating the most popular brands, the Apple iPhone 6 and 6 plus, as compared with the Motorola Droid Turbo, I will demonstrate why the Apple IOS iPhone 6 is the superior device.

The iPhone is a device with everything a user might need such as a camera, video games, texting, music, and many more features. The Droid Turbo is another device with a huge variety of essentials. But what is the difference between these two phones? The Droid may have many of the same features as the iPhone, but the difference is that these features are not as easy to access and harder to manipulate. For instance, the keyboard is not as sensitive on the Droid. The speakers are not as loud, which makes it harder to listen to music without external speakers. The home screen is harder to manipulate. The iPhone’s music store, iTunes, has a whopping 26 million songs downloadable from the web. On the other hand, the Droid Turbo’s Google Play has 22 million songs available. People may say that that is not a giant difference, but that is still 4 million more original songs an iTunes user can access.

The iPhone has more accessories available on the market such as cases, extra screen protectors, chargers, etc.. The Droid has the same types of accessories but only a fraction of the amount are available to purchase. The Droid turbo does have a larger processor with a quad core, excellent for rendering 3D images, while the iPhone has a dual core. Phone experts have shown that extra cores do not give users an overall better performance but rather only help with things like rendering. Even though the iPhone does not render as well as a Droid Turbo, iPhones have a significantly faster processing speed and overall better performance than the majority of smartphones.

Another consideration is the camera. Now let’s say the user wants to take a video of a magician. The camera person would try to get a smooth, precise video so he or she might have a better chance of seeing how the magician does the trick. The iPhone shoots 60 frames per second, and the droid only shoots 24 frames per second. That means the iPhone lets the user capture a smoother and sharper image for videos and photos.

Some phone users like to have a larger screen. The iPhone 6 plus is a very large phone, because it has a 6.2 inch screen, which some would say is too large. That’s why the iPhone has a smaller 5.5 inch version of the 6. This allows users to choose which size they prefer. For example, senior citizens might choose the 6 plus so they can see the screen more easily. Younger people may enjoy the less bulky and slimmer iPhone 6, because they can fit it in their pocket or bag. In my personal opinion, The Droid Turbo is a fairly ugly phone. The camera sits in the center, making the rest of the phone plain and boring. Additionally, the icons on the main control panel are very unattractive. In contrast, the iPhone has a smoother design and nice edges that are not too round and not pointy. Once again, the iPhone has many different cases to choose from for a more customizable look. The Droid only has a few options.

By evaluating the various pros and cons of each model, I have explored the facts such as the size, the camera, the volume, and more options to customize each device. Now it is up to the consumer to decide. Users may still chose the Droid over the iPhone, but facts have shown that the iPhone is a smoother running better looking, easier to operate product with more built-in faster working features. Therefore, it is my opinion that the iPhone 6 is a superior product and a better purchase.


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