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Persuasive Essay Showcase: Everyone Should Exercise

By Lily Iatridis  February 9, 2016

BLOG_ Exercise Finish Line

In today's student showcase, we're sharing a persuasive essay by homeschooled high schooler Aaron E. Aaron currently lives in Romania with his family, and he and his older sister are both Essay Rock Star full semester program students.

This particular essay is notable due to its well supported outside research and conversational voice. Thanks Aaron!

Why Everyone Should Exercise

by Aaron E.

Did you know that more than two out of three adults in the USA were either obese or overweight in 2011-2012? Now, in 2016, the number of overweight people is still growing! I’m sure everyone will agree that exercising is healthy for weight loss, but many people aren’t convinced how helpful and important it really is! In my opinion exercise is more than just looking good and getting in shape. There are many other factors to working out that many individuals don’t consider.

Exercising is major in getting rid of stress. Not only is it great at getting rid of stress, but exercising prevents it. I get stressed very easily. I would get bad headaches and just overall not be in the brightest of spirits. Since I started working out though, I have had a lot less stress. In the human body, there are these feel-good neurotransmitters for the brain called endorphins. While exercising or doing other physical activities your body starts producing more of these endorphins, causing what some would call a runner’s high. This helps out with your mood and overall view on life, putting things in a brighter perspective. Exercising is also kind of like movement meditation. After going on a run or working out at the gym, you might notice that you forgot about your worries and things that, earlier, were stressing you out. Exercise, while stressing your muscles, is helping you forget all the other things that need to be done or that are just plain stressful. Think of it as multitasking. Exercise, while getting you in shape, is, at the same time de-stressing your body and your mind.

Exercise is a big help in getting good quality sleep! Ever since I started working out I have slept more soundly, not to mention I feel more accomplished by the end of the day. When you hear that exercising helps you sleep you might think that it just makes sense because after exercising for the first time in a while you feel exhausted. But that’s not all there is to it. The National Sleep Foundation states, “People sleep a lot better and feel more alert during the day when they have had at least 150 minutes of exercise in a week.” The people that do exercise often will notice that they have a better quality sleep and feel less tired during the day. In addition, exercising more will help lose unwanted fat and gain muscle making exercising even better for your health! Not to mention you will look better. Since sleep is a huge factor in what mood we are in, and exercise helps you sleep, it is important to be regularly active.

Exercising also helps with how much energy you have. Have you ever spent days of doing nothing but sit and eat? How do you feel during this time? If you are anything like me, you feel tired and lazy, not wanting to get any exercise. Believe me, after exercising I feel so much better. I have more energy and it puts me in a good mood. You might think that exercising would make you have less energy. Many studies have actually shown the opposite. Dr. Eva B. Cwynar says, “A study published in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics reported that inactive people who normally complained of fatigue could increase energy by 20% and decrease fatigue by as much as 65% by simply participating in regular, low-intensity exercise”. There are many other studies showing all the same thing; exercising reduces fatigue and increases energy. The more energy you work or play with the more successful you will be. Exercising clears your head and helps you focus on everyday tasks like school, sports or work.

As you may now see, exercising is even more important than you may have initially thought. These elements, de-stressing, good sleep, and having more energy are just a few of many other reasons to work out. Exercising can change anyone’s life for the better, and with a little motivation, can help people around you. In conclusion, exercising is much more than just looking good and staying in shape, it is a lifestyle.









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